Episode 1

ThinkTransit Awards of Excellence with past winner Jay Washburn

Randi and I got to experience these awards for the first time last year and it was really inspiring to learn how agencies and people are pushing the boundaries of transit today. As people new to the industry, learning about the passion and drive people have for what they do gave us a real sense that what we do matters.

While innovation appeals to the transit geek in me, as a former teacher and speaker, I have a special place in my heart for the best live session award. It takes a lot of work to pull off a great session. The best sessions always seem so smooth and effortless—and that’s the magic, that’s where the hard work comes in—and it’s that hard work and dedication we honor with the award for Best Live Session.

Don’t believe us? Listen to last year’s Best Live Session winner Jay Washburn of San Diego Metropolitan Transit talk about his session, what he loves about the transit industry, and why he comes back to ThinkTransit every year.

Randi and I chatted with Jay and his enthusiasm is infectious. Listening to him, you just can’t wait to get to ThinkTransit and start connecting with people. I was lucky enough to interview him before about his work in San Diego MT’s paratransit operation but hearing him talk about his approach to operations in this interview is something we should all take to heart.

Learn more about ThinkTransit, the Awards of Excellence, and how to register on the ThinkTransit website.

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Tris Hussey

Tris Hussey is the Blog and Podcast Manager at Modaxo and Producer/Editor of Transit Unplugged. Tris is a best-selling author and former tech blogger who turned a passion for technology into a career. After two decades working at various technology, internet, and social media companies, he loves being able to marry his love of technology with his love of public transit at Trapeze. A self-professed transit nerd, he'll take the train to get anywhere if given the chance.